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Looking North : writings from Spanish America on the US, 1800 to the present

Looking North : writings from Spanish America on the US, 1800 to the present / edited by John J. Hassett and Braulio Muñoz.
9780816529988 (pbk. : alk. paper)
0816529981 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c2012.
Physical Description
viii, 261 p. ; 23 cm.
Variant and related titles
Writings from Spanish America on the US, 1800 to the present
Added to Catalog
August 01, 2012
The two Americas. Simón Bolívar / "The Angostura discourse" (selection, 1819); José Martí / "Our America" (1891); José Enrique Rodó / Ariel (selection, 1900); Manuel Baldomero Ugarte / "An open letter to the President of the United States" (1913); Gabriela Mistral / "The infantilism of the North American" (1944); Leopoldo Zea / "The culture of the two Americas" (1971); Salvador Allende / "Chile: address to the United Nations General Assembly" (1972); Irene Zea / "U.S. hegemony on the American continent" (1975); Octavio Paz, "Mexico and the United States: positions and counterpositions" (1978); Sergio Marras / "The first new days: a conversation with Roberto Fernández Retamar" (selection, 1991); Armando Roa / "The historic significance of the United States" (1997);
Mario Vargas Llosa, "A wall of lies" (2006)
Travelers from the South. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento / "Moral geography" (1847)
Ciro Alegría / "The race problem" (1941): Germán Arciniegas ? "English lessons" (1945); Luis Alberto Sánchez / "The first surprise" (1945)
Ernesto Cardenal / "A trip to New York" (1973); Víctor M. Espinosa / "We didn't go North to pick flowers" (1992);
Eduardo Galeano / "Mea culpa" (1992); Mario Vargas Llosa / "New York, New York" (2008)
The United States as literary theme. Rubén Darío / "To Roosevelt" (1905); Nicolás Guillén / Selected poems (1967); Gabriel García Márquez / One hundred years of solitude (selection, 1967); Pablo Neruda / Selected poems (1970, 1973); Mario Benedetti / "The weeping of Jimmy Swaggart" (1988); Esmeralda Santiago / "The American invasion of Macún" (selection, 1993); Christine Granados / "Inner view".

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