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Higher Education and Technological Acceleration The Disintegration of University Teaching and Research

Higher Education and Technological Acceleration [electronic resource] : The Disintegration of University Teaching and Research / by Ingrid M. Hoofd.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan US : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
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XI, 170 p. : online resource.
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This book critically examines the relationship between new media technologies, research ethics and pedagogical strategies within the contemporary university. It debates whether recent transformations of higher education, rather than an effect of neo-liberalization, are actually an outflow of the technological acceleration of the university’s own contradictory ideals around knowledge and democracy. The book sets up this argument by likening the university to a ‘vision machine’ which quest for total scientific and social transparency has recently caved in on itself, negatively affecting staff and student well-being. The book asserts that this situation reveals the essential tension at the heart of the university system, and explores the acceleration of this tension by analyzing a variety of teaching and research advances from Europe and Asia. Examining among other issues the call for creativity and critical thinking in the curriculum, the push for e-learning, and the advent of the digital humanities, this text offers a key analysis of the university’s founding ideals and its constitutive relationship to technological acceleration.
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December 01, 2016
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