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An Authentic Account of Adam Smith

An Authentic Account of Adam Smith [electronic resource] / by Gavin Kennedy.
Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
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XV, 212 p. : online resource.
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This book is a textual criticism of modern ideas about the work of Adam Smith that offers a new perspective on many of his famous contributions to economic thought. Adam Smith is often hailed as a leading figure in the development of economic theories, but modern presentations of his works do not reflect Smith’s actual ideas or influence during his lifetime. Gavin Kennedy believes that his name and his legacy were often appropriated or made into myths in the 19th and 20th centuries, with many misconceptions persisting today. Offering new analysis of works on rhetoric, moral sentiments, jurisprudence, the invisible hand and The Wealth of Nations, the book gives a new perspective on this important canonical thinker. .
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Springer ebooks.
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Books / Online
Added to Catalog
February 08, 2018
1. General Introduction
2. Smith on Bargaining
3. The Edinburgh Rhetoric Lectures
4. Smith’s use of the “Invisible Hand” metaphor
5. The myths of the invisible hand
6. Smith on Jurisprudence
7. The Theory of Moral Sentiments
8. Wealth of Nations
9. Summary and Conclusions.
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