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Social Media for Government Services

Social Media for Government Services [electronic resource] / edited by Surya Nepal, Cécile Paris, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos.
1st ed. 2015.
Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2015.
Physical Description
1 online resource (XII, 409 p.) 104 illus., 91 illus. in color.
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This book highlights state-of-the-art research, development and implementation efforts concerning social media in government services, bringing together researchers and practitioners in a number of case studies. It elucidates a number of significant challenges associated with social media specific to government services, such as: benefits and methods of assessing; usability and suitability of tools, technologies and platforms; governance policies and frameworks; opportunities for new services; integrating social media with organisational business processes; and specific case studies. The book also highlights the range of uses and applications of social media in the government domain, at both local and federal levels. As such, it offers a valuable resource for a broad readership including academic researchers, practitioners in the IT industry, developers, and government policy- and decision-makers.
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May 03, 2019
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