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Landscape of 21st Century Mathematics Selected Advances, 2001-2020

Landscape of 21st Century Mathematics [electronic resource] : Selected Advances, 2001-2020 / by Bogdan Grechuk.
1st ed. 2021.
Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2021.
Physical Description
1 online resource (XIV, 429 p.) 24 illus., 16 illus. in color.
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Landscape of 21st Century Mathematics offers a detailed cross section of contemporary mathematics. Important results of the 21st century are motivated and formulated, providing an overview of recent progress in the discipline. The theorems presented in this book have been selected among recent achievements whose statements can be fully appreciated without extensive background. Grouped by subject, the selected theorems represent all major areas of mathematics: number theory, combinatorics, analysis, algebra, geometry and topology, probability and statistics, algorithms and complexity, and logic and set theory. The presentation is self-contained with context, background and necessary definitions provided for each theorem, all without sacrificing mathematical rigour. Where feasible, brief indications of the main ideas of a proof are given. Rigorous yet accessible, this book presents an array of breathtaking recent advances in mathematics. It is written for everyone with a background in mathematics, from inquisitive university students to mathematicians curious about recent achievements in areas beyond their own.
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September 22, 2021
1 Number Theory
2 Combinatorics
3 Analysis
4 Algebra
5 Geometry and Topology
6 Probability and Statistics
7 Algorithms and Complexity
8 Logic and Set Theory
Index. .
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