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Complex Symmetries

Complex Symmetries [electronic resource] / edited by György Darvas.
1st ed. 2021.
Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Birkhäuser, 2021.
Physical Description
1 online resource (VI, 262 p.) 196 illus., 131 illus. in color.
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This volume is a collection of essays on complex symmetries. It is curated, emphasizing the analysis of the symmetries, not the various phenomena that display those symmetries themselves. With this, the volume provides insight to nonspecialist readers into how individual simple symmetries constitute complex symmetry. The authors and the topics cover many different disciplines in various sciences and arts. Simple symmetries, such as reflection, rotation, translation, similitude, and a few other simple manifestations of the phenomenon, are all around, and we are aware of them in our everyday lives. However, there are myriads of complex symmetries (composed of a bulk of simple symmetries) as well. For example, the well-known helix represents the combination of translational and rotational symmetry. Nature produces a great variety of such complex symmetries. So do the arts. The contributions in this volume analyse selected examples (not limited to geometric symmetries). These include physical symmetries, functional (meaning not morphological) symmetries, such as symmetries in the construction of the genetic code, symmetries in human perception (e.g., in geometry education as well as in constructing physical theories), symmetries in fractal structures and structural morphology, including quasicrystal and fullerene structures in stable bindings and their applications in crystallography and architectural design, as well as color symmetries in the arts. The volume is rounded of with beautiful illustrations and presents a fascinating panorama of this interdisciplinary topic.
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January 06, 2022
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Jim Lehman: Synchronizing the Isotropic Vctor Matrix with the Stellated Vector Matrix
András Recski: An Analogy and Several Symmetries
Dmitriy Gurevich: Discrete Lattices on the Single Bearing Spiral: From Geometry to Botany
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Eleonóra Stettner and György Emese: Dilative Rotation, Dilative Reflection in Mathematics, Nature, Art, and Education
János Szász Saxon and Gábor Kis: Relationship of Symmetry and Combinatorics in the Poly-universe Game
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László Szabados: Symmetries in Stellar, Galactic, and Extragalactic Astronomy
Sergey V. Petoukhov, Elena S. Petukhova and Vladimir V. Verevkin: Symmetries and the Genetic, Code
Kas Oosterhuis: Global Symmetry Local Asymmetry: In the Realized Buildings by the Innovation Studio ONL BV
Katarzyna Szymańska-Stułka: Theme, Motive, Structure and Symmetry - Pentasonata by Andrzej Panufnik
FréIlgen: Fluid Symmetry: Logical to Artists, Mesmerizing to Viewers
Paul B. Ré: Complex Symmetries in Réograms
Patrice Jeener: Graphic Illustrations of Complex Symmetries.
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Darvas, György. editor.
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