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Peer to Peer : Collaboration and Sharing over the Internet

Peer to Peer : Collaboration and Sharing over the Internet / Leuf, Bo.
1st edition.
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2002.
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1 online resource (464 pages)
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"The author has given a well-written and comprehensive overview of several representative peer-to-peer technologies. It is diligently researched and gives a lot of insights into a little-understood subject."--Erik Möller, Scientific Review Service and "Interesting topic, well organized, engagingly written, excellent illustrations; a good read. I think it does a particularly good job of balancing technical, functional, business, and legal information, and presenting it in a way that is useful for both executive and technical people (which is no mean feat)." -- Mitchel Ahern, Director, Business Development, AdTools Inc./SonyMusic "It is technical enough that the reader can actually implement or model the methods used in the text. However, it is not presented at such a high level that nontechnical users would get lost in the math." -- Austin David, Senior Systems Architect, Wink Communications, Inc. "Peer to Peer offers a contemporary and intelligent insight into the popular technologies that are the building blocks of p2p. It cuts through the media controversy and is a useful resource for exploring these technologies. This book was a pleasant change of pace from my day-to-day technical reading." -- John Wegis, Engineering Manager, Kana Software, Inc. "Bo Leuf's book does a particularly good job of balancing technical, functional, business, and legal information, then presenting it in a way that is useful for both the executive and technical reader--no mean feat." --From the foreword by Mitchel Ahern, Director Business Development, AdTools Inc., a Sony Music Company Moving beyond its grassroot and controversial beginnings, peer to peer (p2p) is now entering the mainstream of Internet communications and business as managers and technology professionals look to tap into the vitality of this widespread communication model. But without a common protocol, tool suite, or single networking structure to facilitate development, harnessing peer-to-peer technology is not a simple task. Peer to Peer: Collaboration and Sharing over the Internet provides the first comprehensive resource to help business and communications professionals get started. This complete handbook presents everything industry professionals and interested users need to know. Readers will find a clear overview of peer-to-peer concepts, architectural models, and network applications; a practical guide to installation and deployment; information on specific protocols and tools ...
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