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The valiant ones = Zhong lie tu

The valiant ones = Zhong lie tu / Jinquan dian ying gong si ; chu pin ren, bian ju, dao yan, Hu Jinquan.
忠烈圖 = The valiant ones / 金銓電影公司 ; 出品人, 編劇, 導演, 胡金銓.
4K shu ma xiu fu ban.
Xianggang : Xianggang dian ying zi liao guan, [2023]
香港 : 香港電影資料館, [2023]
Copyright Notice Date
Physical Description
1 videodisc (106 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 booklet (96 pages : illustrations ; 17 cm)
Originally released as a motion picture in 1975.
Includes special features.
She ying, Chen Qingqu.
攝影, 陳清渠.
In Chinese (Mandarin) with traditional Chinese or English subtitles.
The Valiant Ones is set in the Ming-dynasty China, a time when Japanese pirates were wreaking havoc along the nation's coast. Its heroes engaged in epic battles and tragic sacrifices, fully illustrating the themes of loyalty and martyrdom.
故事講述明朝後期, 以許棟(韓英傑飾)和日本人博多津(朱元龍飾)為首的倭寇在閩浙一帶倡狂走私劫掠, 並與地方官和朝廷官宦勾結. 浙江巡撫朱紈派智謀雙全的俞大猷(喬宏飾)前往清剿, 伍繼園夫婦(白鷹, 徐楓飾)等七人喬裝商人, 與倭寇展開了機智的攻略, 並協迫與倭寇私通的官宦帶他們偽裝成投城而勇入虎穴, 與倭寇展開生死決鬥, 終於殺掉匪首, 而伍氏夫婦也壯烈犧牲. 本片描述明朝一群忠義俠士, 抵禦倭寇入侵的故事, 最精彩處在於胡導大量以「棋盤」佈陣的創意, 藉以比喻敵我雙方的對峙. 除了徐楓, 白鷹等班底, 片中還能看到洪金寶, 元彪, 元華這些後來的武打明星的年輕模樣.
榮獲一九七五年澳洲雪梨影展第二十二屆最佳特殊技術設計獎; 榮獲一九七五年蘇格蘭愛丁堡國際影展第二十九屆最佳外國影片技術奬; 榮獲一九七五年芝加哥國際影展特別藝術貢獻獎.
Variant and related titles
Zhong lie tu
Valiant ones
Images / Video & Film
Added to Catalog
November 08, 2023
She ying, Chen Qingqu.
攝影, 陳清渠.
Hong Jinbao, Zhao Lei, Bai Ying, Xu Feng, Qiao Hong, Han Yingjie, Yuan Xiaotian.
洪金寶, 趙雷, 白鷹, 徐楓, 喬宏, 韓英傑, 袁小田.
System details note
Disc format: Blu-ray; region code: A, B, C.
I; suitable for all ages.
Fiction films.
Feature films.
Also listed under
Hu, Jinquan, 1931-1997, film director, screenwriter, film presenter.
胡金銓, 1931-1997, film director, screenwriter, presenter.
Hung, Samo, 1952- actor.
洪金寳, 1952- actor.
Zhao, Lei, 1928-1996, actor.
趙雷, 1928-1996, actor.
Bai, Ying, 1940- actor.
白鷹, 1940- actor.
Xu, Feng, 1950- actor.
徐楓, 1950- actor.
Qiao, Hong, 1927-1999, actor.
喬宏, 1927-1999, actor.
Han, Yingjie, actor.
韓英傑, actor.
Yuen, Siu Tin, 1912-1979, actor.
袁小田, 1912-1979, actor.
Jinquan dian ying gong si, production company.
金銓電影公司, production company.
Xianggang dian ying zi liao guan, publisher.
香港電影資料館, publisher.

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