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Bureaucracy and the public; a reader in official-client relations

Bureaucracy and the public; a reader in official-client relations, edited by Elihu Katz & Brenda Danet.
New York, Basic Books [1973]
Physical Description
ix, 534 p. 25 cm.
Added to Catalog
June 01, 2002
Introduction: Bureaucracy as a problem for sociology and society.
Environmental factors, culture and community: Almond, G. and Verba, S. Expectations of treatment by government and the police. Presthus, R.V. The social bases of bureaucratic organization. Sjoberg, G., Brymer, R.A., and Farris, B. Bureaucracy and the lower class. Katz, E., and Eisenstadt, S.N. Some sociological observations on the response of Israeli organizations to new immigrants. Reiss, A.J., Jr. and Bordua, D.J. Environment and organization: a perspective on the police. Miller, D.R. and Swanson, G.E. Child training in entrepreneurial and bureaucratic families. Milgram, S. Behavioral study of obedience. Kohn, M.L. Bureaucratic man: a portrait and an interpretation.
The influence of the organization, goals, roles, and structures: Katz, E. and Danet, B. Petitions and persuasive appeals: a study of official-client relations. Thompson, J.D. Organizations and output transactions. Berk, B.B. Organizational goals and inmate organization. Blau, P.M. Orientation toward clients in a public welfare agency. Catrice-Lorey, A. Social security and its relations with beneficiaries: the problem of bureaucracy in social administration: Whyte, W.F. When workers and customers meet.
Situational influences, the physical and social setting: Bar-Yosef, R. and Schild, E.O. Pressures and defenses in bureaucratic roles. Rosenberg, M. and Pearlin, L.I. Power-orientations in the mental hospital. Goffman, E. The underlife of a public institution. Danet, B. "Giving the underdog a break": latent particularism among customs officials. Henslin, J.M. Trust and the cab driver. Davis, M.S. Variations in patients' compliance with doctors' advice: an empirical analysis of patterns of communication. Rosenthal, R. and Jacobson, L. Pygmalion in the classroom.
Making organizations work for people, strategies for innovation and change: Gellhorn, W. Confining public administration without crippling it. Matthews, A. R., Jr. and Weiss, J.A. What can be done: a neighborhood lawyer's credo. Kahn, A.J., and others. The British citizens' advice bureaus: an overview. Schrag, P.G. Consumer rights. Fellmeth, R. Home moving.
Bibliography: (p. 499-514)
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