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U.S. policy in the Vietnam War. Part II. 1969-1975

U.S. policy in the Vietnam War. Part II. 1969-1975 [electronic resource].
Ann Arbor, Mich. : ProQuest LLC, 2007-
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Data copyright (c) 2006 The National Security Archive.
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U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part II is the most important compilation of documents available on the final phase of the Vietnam War. Incorporating the very latest U.S. government releases, which significantly enrich the historical record, these documents, virtually all previously classified, cover all the major issues from the period, including diplomatic, military, and intelligence aspects of the Vietnam war during the period of the Nixon and Ford administrations. Also included is material that bridges topics in Part I, such as a subset on pacification issues, the most comprehensive assemblage to date of the Pentagon Papers, and a detailed retrospective by the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research on the earlier period. Topics covered in detail in this collection include the Paris Peace negotiations, the Vietnamization program, the war in Cambodia, the Christmas Bombing of 1972, and the fall of South Vietnam.
Added to Catalog
December 10, 2008
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National Security Archive (U.S.)

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