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The book of fallacies

The book of fallacies / [by Jeremy Bentham] ; edited by Philip Schofield.
9780198719816 (hbk.)
0198719817 (hbk.)
First edition.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2015.
Copyright Notice Date
Physical Description
lxxxv, 552 pages ; 24 cm.
"The present edition of The Book of Fallacies is the first that follows Bentham's own structure for the work, and includes a great deal of material, both in terms of the fallacies themselves and the illustrative matter, that previous versions of the work have omitted. The fallacies that concerned Bentham were not logical errors of the sort identified by Aristotle, or commonplace misunderstandings of matters of fact, but arguments deployed in political debate, in particular in the British Parliament, in order to prevent reform. Bentham not only identified, described, and criticized the fallacious arguments in question, which were all characterized by their irrelevancy, but explained the sinister interests that led politicians to employ them and their supporters to accept them. By exposing these political fallacies, Bentham hoped to prevent their employment in future, and thereby to place political debate on its only proper ground, namely considerations drawn from the principle of utility." -- Publisher's description.
Added to Catalog
November 30, 2015
Collected works of Jeremy Bentham.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Political fallacies form the subject of this work
Classification of political fallacies
Use of this enquiry : remedial measures proposed
Hobgoblin-crier's, or Jacobin-crier's, or innovation-crier's, argument
What's at the bottom? : Or the Devil's-behind argument
Official-malefactor-screening maxim : Attack us, you attack the government
Accusation-scarer's, or accuser-scarer's, or escape-and-innocence-confounder's, device : or non-success and calumny-confounder's device : infamy must attach somewhere
Fallacies addressed to men's self-distrust : general view of them
Authority-worshipper's, or blind-confidence-preacher's, device or argument
Ancestor-worshipper's argument : or Chinese argument : or argument in the Chinese taste
No-precedent argument
Importance-and-difficulty-trumpeter's argument
Browbeating-incapacity-confessor's, browbeating-ignoramus', or self-stultifier's, argument
Paradox-brandisher's device
Vaguely-insulting-vituperator's argument
Anti-rational fallacies in general : their character
Practical-man's, or blind-horse's, or thought-condemner's, or reason-abjurer's argument
Impracticability-crier's argument
Popular-corruption-pleader's argument
Excellence-hater's, or excellence-abhorrer's, or perfectibility-denier's device
Self-contradicting-no-thinker's argument
Posterity-chainer's device or argument or fallacy
Jephtha's-vow-pleading, or oath-abusing-posterity-chainer's device
Allegorical-personage-worshipper's, or allegorical-personage-trumpeter's, device
All-hush-without-doors, or nobody-grumbles, argument
Anti-preventionalist's, or suffer-first, argument
Vicarious-relief-preacher's argument
Procrastination-preacher's argument
Graduality-preacher's, or snail's-pace-preacher's, advice or device
Of the fallacies of this class conjunctively considered
Laudable-motive-trumpeter's argument
Laudable-design-trumpeter's argument
Laudable-character-trumpeter's argument
Consistency-trumpeter's argument
Inbred-laudable-disposition-trumpeter's argument
Laudable-connection-trumpeter's argument
Good-name-bestower's, or puffing-godfather's, argument
Human-idol-trumpeter's, or deified-dead-man-trumpeter's, argument
Self-trumpeter's fallacy
Question-begging-denomination-employer's device, or eulogistic-and-dyslogistic-appellative-employer's device, or laudatory-and-vituperative-appellation-employer's device
Partiality-preacher's maxim or device
Atrocity-justifier's argument
Logical-high-flier's, or logical-cloud-climber's, or lumping-classifier's, or distinction-excluder's, or distinction-eluder's, fallacy
Sham-distinguisher's device
Cause-and-obstacle-confounder's device
Bar-vice-amendment-urging fallacy
Diversion-creator's device
General-rule-strainer's device
Opposer-general's or defender-general's argument
The blind-deaf-and dumb-man-aper's device
Blind-place abhorrer's cry
Blind-job-denouncer's cry
Of political fallacies in general
Causes and uses of the utterance of these fallacies
Posterity-chainer's device or immutable-law-pleader's device
Personalities of the vituperative cast
Personalities laudatory
Lumping-classifier's device
Cloud-climber's or logical-high-flier's defice
Logical-high-flyer's or creafty-generalizer's device, or distinction-confounder's device, or corruption-cloaker's device
Opposer general's justification
Place-abhorrer's cry
Job-denouncer's cry.

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