Databases Search Results

Teatro español del siglo de oro base de datos de texto completo

Uniform Title
Teatro español del siglo de oro (Online)
Teatro español del siglo de oro [electronic resource] : base de datos de texto completo.
Madrid : Chadwyck-Healey España, ©1997.
Local Notes
Primary remote access for Yale University authorized users is through EZproxy; resource may also be accessed through Yale's Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Access is available to the Yale community.
Title from home page (viewed Sept. 16, 2004).
Interface in English and Spanish.
Access and use
Access restricted by licensing agreement.
Contains the full text of the earliest available editions of the most important plays of the sixteenth and seventeenth century in Spain. Includes plays by many dramatists with associated texts, stage directions, and frontmatter.
Variant and related titles
Other formats
Also available on CD-ROM.
Teatro español del siglo de oro
Databases / Online
Spanish; English
Added to Catalog
November 29, 2010
Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Guillén de Castro
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Juan de la Cueva
Juan Bautista Diamante
Juan de Matos Fragoso
Agustín Moreto
Juan Pérez de Montalbán
Luis Quiñones de Benavente
Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla
Lope de Rueda
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza
Antonio de Solís
Fray Gabriel -Tirso de Molina-Téllez
Lope de Vega
Antonio Zamora.

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