Prologue : "I have very serious doubts" about the Princeton presidency
From Wyoming to Princeton : "he will probably turn up as one of our leading university presidents"
Becoming provost : "somebody to handle a lot of important duties"
Using university governance to manage campus tensions : "a most astute capacity to judge what was needed"
New man in the president's office : "a juggler who keeps all the balls in the air"
Building intellectual muscle : "making Princeton stronger in terms of scholarship and teaching"
An initial failure : grappling with molecular biology, "the most exciting frontier of science we will see"
gender and race : "making the place much more inclusive in all respects"
religion and residential life : helping students "feel more included in the university"
Board of trustees : "there was never any broken glass on the floor"
Students : "cheer leader," "talent scout," and a complex legacy
Entr'acte : leaving Princeton for the Mellon Foundation
Mellon : "the pace of things, the excitement of things"
Shaping the Mellon agenda : "perfectly prepared to take on really bold things"
Books that helped define the agenda of American higher education
Director and trustee : "graced with a seemingly endless supply of practical wisdom"
"President-whisperer" : "a kind of switchboard for higher education"
The last decade : "as many good days as can be managed"
Afterword : the Bowen legacy.