"The Memory You Choose"
"It Was Like Slavery from Another Era" : Tuscaloosa, 1964
"The White Folks Are Going to Kill Him" : The Arrival of Reverend T. Y. Rogers
"God, Himself, was the Author of Segregation" : The Rise of Imperial Wizard Robert Shelton
"The Publicity is What Creates the Mayhem" : The Making of Police Chief William Marable
"No End to the Floggings and Murders" : The Cost of Protesting
"We Want Freedom Now" : Bloody Tuesday and the Sacking of First African Baptist Church
"You Can't Do Nothing but Kill Me" : Fighting Back
"How Could There Be a God and Allow This to Happen?" : Testing the Civil Rights Act
"Sit Where Anybody Wants To" : Boycotting Druid City Transit
"The Voices of Dissent Must Be Heard" : Legacies
"Just Give Us Fifty Years and We'll Take It All Back."