"The stormy seas of a major test" / Matt Pottinger
Taiwan : the stakes / Gabriel B. Collins, Andrew S. Erickson, and Matt Pottinger
The myth of accidental wars / Matt Pottinger and Matthew Turpin
A new military culture for Taiwan / Michael A. Hunzeker, Enoch Wu, and Kobi Marom
Countering China's use of force / Ivan Kanapathy
Countering China's gray-zone activities / Ivan Kanapathy
Sink China's navy / Robert Haddick, Mark Montgomery, and Isaac "Ike" Harris
Quarantines and blockades / Robert Haddick, Elaine Luria, and Mark Montgomery
Mobilizing and equipping / Robert Haddick
Japan as the "swing vote" / Grant Newsham
"The sun also rises" / Yoji Koda
Australia's job now / Ross Babbage
Europe's job now / Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Jonas Parello-Plesner.