Introduction : what's in a text? / Martin Barker and Anne Beezer
Ien Ang, Watching Dallas / Susan Emanuel
Peter Bailey, Leisure and class in Victorian England / John Baxendale
Tony Bennett and Janet Woollacott, Bond and beyond / Andrew Blake
Glasgow University Media Group, The bad news books / Jeff Collins
Stuart Hall, Policing the crisis / Martin Barker
Dick Hebdige, Subculture : the meaning of style / Anne Beezer
Tania Modleski, Loving with a vengeance / Kim Clancy
David Morley, The nationwide studies / Mark Jancovich
Janice Radway, Reading the romance / Susan Purdie
Judith Williamson, Decoding advertisements / Liz Wells
Paul Willis, Learning to labour / Beverley Skeggs.