Commercialism and the mission of nonprofits / Estelle James
How important is a nonprofit's bottom line? : the uses and abuses of financial data / Mark Hager and Janet Greenlee
Philanthropy and volunteerism : new practices. Inside venture philanthropy / Peter Frumkin
Charity and philanthropy after September 11th / Peter Frumkin
National service in theory and practice / Peter Frumkin.
Nonprofits and government : rhetoric and reality. Government and nonprofits in the modern age : is independence possible? / Steven Rathgeb Smith
Social welfare organizations, politics, and regulation / Elizabeth Reid
What is the political role of nonprofits in a democracy? / Mark E. Warren
Nonprofits and business : blurred boundaries. Sector-bending : blurring the lines between nonprofit and for-profit / J. Gregory Dees and Beth Battle Anderson.
Nonprofits, religion, and government : opportunities and challenges. Understanding religious organizations : implications and concerns for public policy and social welfare services / Thomas H. Jeavons
Nonprofit and faith-based welfare-to-work programs : government's partners or government's captives? / Stephen V. Monsma
Faith in communities : a solid investment / Amy L. Sherman.