Introduction : the rise of the Nordic populist radical right / Ann-Cathrine Jungar
Who votes for the Nordic radical right? / Anders Backlund
What unites populist radical-right voters in the Nordic countries / Lise Bjånesoy and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
Party-voter policy representation among populist radical right parties in the Nordic region / Anders Backlund and Ann-Cathrine Jungar
The use of national myths in the rhetoric of populist radical-right parties in the Nordic countries / Anders Hellström and Katarina Pettersson
Three tales of welfare chauvinism / Ov Cristian Norocel
Radical right and gender equality / Ann-Cathrine Jungar and Anders R Jupskås
Men's parties in gender equal havens : the gender-representation gap in the Nordic populist radical right parties / Anna Lillkung
From defending the family to protecting gays? : change and continuity in the Nordic radical right's positions on LGBTQ issues / Emil Edenborg and Ann-Cathrine Jungar
The transnational dimension of the Nordic populist radical right / Karl Magnus Johansson and Ann-Cathrine Jungar
Radical right parties and government participation in the Nordic countries / Anders Backlund and Ann-Cathrine Jungar
The Swedish Labour Movement and the Sweden Democrats : contest for working-class voters? / Sanna Salo
Meanings of 'populism' and the radical right in Finnish and Swedish media / Juha Herkman and Niko Hatakka
Concluding discussion / Ann-Cathrine Jungar.