BEIN In Process: Imperfect: pages 13-32 wanting. From the Ann Lauterbach Papers: 127.
BEIN GEN MSS 787 Box 69: Forms part of the Laura Bailey Collection of Gender and Transgender Materials. From the library of Laura Bailey. This issue contains a post-it note that Laura used to mark a transgender reference on page 105.
BEIN 2017 Folio S52: Inscriptions of Richard Neville. From the Richard Neville Papers: 1-75, 91-105.
BEIN 2017 Folio S52: From the John Holmstrom Papers and Punk Magazine Records: 234, 279.
BEIN 2017 Folio S52: From the Roger Jackson Collection of Henry Miller Materials: 181.
BEIN 2017 Folio S52: From the Jonathan Lethem Papers: 1000, 1003, 1006, 1008, 1016/1017.