NSA surveillance in the War on Terror / Rachel Levinson-Waldman
Location tracking / Stephanie K. Pell
Terrorist watchlists / Jeffrey Kahn
"Incidental" foreign intelligence surveillance and the Fourth Amendment / Jennifer Daskal & Stephen I. Vladeck
Biometric surveillance and big data governance / Margaret Hu
Fusion centers / Thomas Nolan
Big data surveillance : the convergence of big data and law enforcement / Andrew Guthrie Ferguson
The Internet of things and self-surveillance systems / Steven I. Friedland
Balancing privacy and public safety in the post-Snowden era / Jason M. Weinstein, R. Taj Moore & Nicholas P. Silverman
Obama's mixed legacy on cybersecurity, surveillance, and surveillance reform / Timothy Edgar
Local law enforcement video surveillance : rules, technology, and legal implications / Marc J. Blitz
The surveillance implications of efforts to combat cyber harassment / Danielle Keats Citron & Liz Clark Rinehart
The case for surveillance / Lawrence Rosenthal
"Going dark" : encryption, privacy, liberty, and security in the "golden age of surveillance" / Geoffrey S. Corn & Dru Brenner-Beck
Business responses to surveillance / Lothar Determann
Seeing, seizing, and searching like a state : constitutional developments from the seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth century / Mark A. Graber
An eerie feeling of déjà vu : from Soviet snitches to angry birds / Alex Kozinski & Mihailis E. Diamantis
The impact of online surveillance on behavior / Alex Marthews & Catherine Tucker
Surveillance vs. privacy : effects and implications / Julie E. Cohen
Intellectual and social freedom / Margot E. Kaminski
The surveillance regulation toolkit : thinking beyond probable cause / Paul Ohm
European human rights, criminal surveillance, and intelligence surveillance : towards "good enough" oversight, preferably but not necessarily by judges / Gianclaudio Malgieri & Paul de Hert
Lessons from the history of national security surveillance / Elizabeth Goitein, Faiza Patel, & Fritz Schwarz
Regulating surveillance through litigation : some thoughts from the trenches / Mark Rumold
Legislative regulation of government surveillance / Christopher Slobogin
California's Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CALECPA) : a case study in legislative regulation of surveillance / Susan Freiwald
Surveillance in the European Union / Cristina Blasi Casagran
Mutual legal assistance in the digital age / Andrew Keane Woods
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board / David Medine & Esteban Morin
FTC regulation of cybersecurity and surveillance / Chris Jay Hoofnagle
The federal communications commission as privacy regulator / Travis Leblanc & Lindsay Defrancesco.