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Accounting for colonialism : measuring unjust enrichment and damages in Africa

Accounting for colonialism : measuring unjust enrichment and damages in Africa / Richard F. America, editor.
Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, an imprint of Springer Nature Switzerland, [2024]
Copyright Notice Date
Physical Description
xvii, 383 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
"This book examines qualitatively and quantitatively the exploitation of Africa through six centuries of colonialism and imperialism. The contributions build on previous qualitative analyses. The chapters introduce new ways to measure some of the coerced income and wealth transfers to Europe and North America through systematic underpayments and overcharges. This wealth was wrongfully accumulated using many forms of their abuse of dominance. The book provides estimates that will be helpful to understanding the growing debate on "reparations." This also contributes to rethinking international development assistance policy. It helps establish a basis for improved estimates of the gains from past and current practices that worked against African economic, social, and political institutions and systems. This edited volume showcases a variety of scholars with diverse perspectives and establishes, for the first time, the extent of wrongful benefits and damages from 600 years of international harm to the African continent." -- Provided by publisher.
Added to Catalog
April 18, 2024
Includes blibliographical references and index.
1. Introduction / Richard F. America
Part I. Historical context : 2. The slave trade, imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism: the rise of the Western and world economy, and unjust enrichment / Joseph E. Inikori
3. Wealth transfer and long-term damages
the case of European expropriation in East Africa / Thomas D. Boston
Part II. Who benefits and how much
From wrongful taking, illicit transactions, and hidden subsidies? : 4. Methods of estimating trade misinvoicing: price-filter method, partner-country method, and modified partner-country method / Simon J. Pak and Cabrini H. Pak
5. Income and wealth-transfers effects of resource exploitation: a theory of indemnities to Africa / Julian Ellison
6. Unfair wealth-transfer effects of the palm oil trade in Nigeria 1868-1959: illustrative partial estimates / Sue Headlee
7. Slavery, production, financing structure in the colonial times and reparations
the case of Suriname / Armand Zunder
8. Monopolization, exploitation, business disruption, loss of profits, and unjust enrichment
siphoning the benefits from trade
the case of Nigeria / Eboh C. Ezeani
9. A rough ball park estimate
damages and unjust enrichment from abuse of dominance / Daniel Tetteh Osabu-Kle
10. The reparable damages of European colonialism in Sub-Saharan Africa / Gregory N. Price
11. How extractive was colonial trade? Evidence from French Africa / Federico Tadei
12. Income and wealth transfer effects of colonialism and migrant labor in Southern Africa / Romie Tribble
13. Forensic analysis of reparations to Africa for depredations under European colonialism / Thomas Craemer
Part III. Unequal exchange
Can labor theory of value, and unequal exchange, provide useful analysis? : 14. Estimating unequal exchange: Sub-Saharan Africa to the world / Gernot Köhler
15. A critique of the Joseph-Tomlinson model of unequal exchange: applications and limitations / Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
16. Taxation and European colonial accumulation: the disruption of economic livelihoods in Africa / Mathew Forstater
Part IV. Forensic analysis
How alrge the damages?
Answering the "but for" questions
Can forensic analysis apply?
Damages for personal injury, and wrongful death
"Who knows where Africa would be?"
Blocked alternative growth paths
Interference and loss of potential profits
Business interruption 1519-2023 : 17. Reparations to Africa for the slave trades
An hedonic damages approach to calculating the value of lost freedom / Charles L. Betsey
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