Books+ Search Results

Series: "3 v."
Language: Is English
Greenbelt, Md. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center ; [Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1988]
SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) >> NAS 1.15:100709
Books / Microforms
Golden, CO : National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2010.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
Liu, William
New York ; Chichester : Wiley, c2001.
SML, Stacks, LC Classification >> TK7871.95 L58 2001 (LC)
New York, The Panurge Press [©1934]
LSF- BEINECKE >> Pforzheimer Intelligence 4649
[Washington, DC] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division ; [Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service], 1990.
SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) >> NAS 1.60:3044
Books / Microforms
[England] : Teachers TV/UK Department of Education, 2010.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Images / Online / Video & Film
Dieterich, Ernst, 1951-
Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1991.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
Curca-Tivig, F.
Washington, DC : Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1993.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
Curca-Tivig, F.
Washington, DC : Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Available from Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. ; Springfield, VA : National Technical Information Service [distributor, 1993]
SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) >> Y 3.N 88:53/0116
Books / Microforms
Curca-Tivig, F.
Washington, DC : Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1993.
Yale Internet Resource
Books / Online
Vera, Cristino de, 1931-
[Valencia] : IVAM : Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport, c2005.
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) >> NJ18.V5787 A12 2005 (LC) Oversize
Hieron, Samuel, 1576?-1617
London : Printed by T. C. for Thomas Man, 1607.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
James, Francis, preacher of Gods Word
Printed at London : by John Hammond, 1647.
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
A catalogue of books. Containing about twenty thousand volumes in various languages, arts, and sciences, in good condition, and many of them elegantly bound, a great part of which were collected in the course of last summer. Among which are the following: Aced. des sciences, par. 82.v. Albin's birds 3v. Alcoranus Marracci, 2v. annual register, 20v. eleg. Apuleius ... Atkyns's Glocestersh. 1712 Bacon's abridgment, 5v. 1779. Baskerville's classics, 6v. 4to. --- Ariosto, 4v. --- Addison, 4v. --- Bible, la. pa. Behmen's works, by Law, 3v. Biblia polyglotta, 8v. Biblia rumonsch, eleg. Blomfield's Norfolk, 5v. russ. Brunck annlecta, 3v. la pa. Burton's Yorkshire, la, pa. Calasio concord, Romania, 4v. Calmet's dictionary, 3v. Campbell's vitruvius Brit. Caxton's lyves of the fathers Caylus rec'd' antiquites Chambers's dict. & suppl. 4v. Chandler's parl. Debates, 22v. Chancy's Hertfordshire ... Davis, &c. 18. v. ... De la Vega's Peru Demosihenes wolfii 1604 Dioiorus siculus wessel. 2v. diodorus siculus, by Booth Flora Sibirica, gmelin. 4v. Fuller's worthies of Engl. Glasgow classics, fol. russ. Gram. veteres Græci. ald. 1496 Hill's natural history, 3v. Hist. Rom. Scriptores, 3v. 1743 Hoffmanni Opera omina, 6v. Holinshed's chron. 3v. 1586 Hommes illustres de la fr. 03 v. ... Britannia Romana Hurchins's Dorset, 2v. Russia Index villaris, la pa. eleg. Kennicot's Hebrew Bible, fol. Knorr delliciæ naturæ 2v. Knorr coquillagues, 6v. Lysias Taylor er Markland, 4to. Maittaire corpus poet. 2v. Martin's shells, 2v. eleg. Mayer's fruit trees, nuremb. Medailles de Louis XIV. Messenii scondia, 15 tom. Newtoni opera, Horsley 1779 Norden's travels in Egypt. 2v. Oratores Græ ci reiske, 24v. Overbeke's Ruins of Rome, 3v. Parkinson's herbal Patrick, Lowth, &c. 6v. Russia Pomet on drugs, 2 v. Ralph's Hist. of England, 2v. Regiam ... Scotiæ Roesol hist. nat. ranarum Ruins of Balbec, la. paper Rutherforth's philosophy, 2v. Schæffer Icones ... 4v. Schæffer Icones infect, 3v. Selden's works, 6v. Ship of fooles Spelmanni glossarium Speliman's Dionys. Halic. 4v. Spence's Polymetis Strange's reports, 2v. Stukeley's Abury Suidæ Lexicon, Kuster, 3 vol. Swift's works, 24 v. Swinburne on wills 1743 Tanjore papers, 4v. Tillotson's works, 3v. Russia ..., Florum Icones, nuremb. Van Swieten, comment. 5v. 4to. --- ..., 11v. 8vo. louv. 1775. Ventriv's reports 1726. Voltaire's works, 34 v. Wilksins ... Anglo-Saxon. Willughy's birds. Wood's conveyancing, 3v. 1777 which will be selling very reasonable, for ready money, at the prices printed in the catalogue. Christmas, 1779. And continue till all are sold, by Samuel Hayes, bookseller, No. 332, Oxford-Street, next the corner of Argyle-Street, removed from Holborn. Who gives the full value for books in all languages. Catalogues may be had at the place of sale, and of the following booksellers; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Brown, Strand, corner of Essex-Street; Sewel, Cornhill, and J. Hayes, No. 250. Holborn; also of the booksellers in most of the market towns in England
Hayes, Samuel, active 1779-1795
[London : s.n., 1779]
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
A catalogue of books, in various languages, arts and sciences including a great variety of curious and valuable works lately purchased Amongst which are the following: Folio. Journals of the H. of Lords & Commons, 61. v. Statutes at large, by Cay & Rusthead, 17.v. Albinus's anatomical tables Knorr, Deliciae naturae, 2v. fig.depict. Trew, Amoenissimarum florum imagines, depict. Martyni Planate rariores, depict. Mortsoni Historia plantarum, 2v. ch. max. eleg. Willugby's Ornithology Hooke's Micrographia Aristotelis Opera, Gr. Lat. Duval, 2v. Diodorus Siculus, Wesselingii, 2v. Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2v. Corpus poetarum Latinorum, Maittaire, 2v. Authores rei grammaticae, Ald. 1496 Golii lexicon Arabico-Latinum James's medicinal dictionary, 3v. Ashmole's Order of the Garter Chauncy's Hertfordshire Dugdale's Warwickshire, 1636 Dugdale's Summons to Parliament Dugdale's Monasticon, 1718 Hutchins's Dorfetshire, 2v. Russia King's Cheshire Rapin & Tindal's continuation 5v. Whitelock's Memorials, 1732. Bacon's abridgment, new edit. improved by Serj. Sayer & Morgan, 5v. 1778 Comyns's Digest and continuation, new edit. 5v. 1780. Ventris's reports, 1726, Blackstone's, 2v. Selden's works, 6v. Alcoranus Marraccii, 2v. Biblia Hebraica, Kennicot Messenii scondia illustrata, 15 tom. in 2v. Quarto. Philosophical transactions abridged to 1750 and continued by the Transactions at large to the present time, 43v. Grand vocabulaire francois, 30 v. Paris, 1777. &c. Boyle and Bacon's Works, 11v. Russia Schœffer's icones fungorum et insectorum, 7v. depict. Maittaire, annales typographici, 7v. Doddridge and Gill's expositor, 11v. eleg. Spelman's Dionysius Halicarnasseus, 4v. Russia Ovidii opera, burmanni, 4v. Apuleius & Claudianus delphini Baskerville's classics, 6v. Russia Brunck, analecta Graeca, 3v. ch. max. Saunderson's algebra, 2v. Octavo. Monthly review, 63 v. Swift's works, large 8vo, 25 v. Lardner's Gospel history, 17 v. eleg. Oratores Graeci, Reiske, 12v. eleg. Aubrey's Surry and Ashmole's Berks, 8v. Which will be selling very reasonable at the prices printed in the catalogue, July 1781, and continue on sale, 'till all are sold by Samuel Hayes, bookseller, No. 332, in Oxford Street, next the corner of Argyll Street (remov'd from Holborn) who gives the full value for libraries and parcels of books. Catalogues may be had at the place of sale, and of the following booksellers; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Brown, Strand, corner of Essex-Street; Sewell, Cornhill; and J. Hayes, No. 252. Holborn; also of the booksellers in most of the market towns in England
Hayes, Samuel, active 1779-1795
[London : s.n., 1781]
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
A catalogue of the library of the Late Learned Antiquarian, Walter Macfarlane of Macfarlane, Esq; and of some other collections of books lately purchased Which will begin to be sold by auction, on Monday the 21st of November 1768, in the auction-room below Balfour's Coffee-house. Among which are, folio. Rymer's f^D oedera, 10 vols Rapin and Tindal, 5 vols Ancient and Mod. univ. hist. 27 vols Biographia Britannica, 7 vols Anderson's diplomata general dictionary, 10 vols The ruins of Palmyra and Balbec, 2 vols Campbell's Vitruvius Britan. 2 vols, fine plates Stephani thesaurus ling. Gr. 4 vols - thesaurus ling. Lat. 4 vols Thucydides, Duckeri Herodotus, Wesselingii, Gr. et Lat. Dionis cassii opera, reimarii, 2 vols Po ̈ etæ græci princip. apud steph. Plinius, Harduini, 3 vols Lucianus, Bourdelotii Dictionaire de Bayle, meil. ed. 4 vols - de Savary 3 v. meil. ed. - de Furetiere, 4 vols - de Moreri, 4 vols Virgilius de la Cerda, 3 vols Madox's history of the exchequer Alberti Sebæ hist. nat. 4 vols Atlas universel, par Robert, G.P. hist. des arts et metiers, 36 parties encyclopedie, par d'alembert, &c. 25 vols Horsley's Britan, Roman. Harris's voyages, 2 vols Bacon, Boyle, and Locke's works Johnson, Savary, Ainsworth, Chambers, Millar, and Bayle's dict. Kniphossii herb. vivum cent. octo. 2 vols state trials, 10 vols Macdowall's institutes 3 vols, L.P. and all the other Scots law-books. Spelmanni gloslarium, edit. opt. Mariana's history of Spain originis opera, Gr. & Lat 4 vols biblia polyglotta, cum lexicon heptaglotton, 8 vols critici sacri, 10 vols Calvini opera, edit. opt. 9 vols Socinus, Crellius, &c. 9 vols (Vide next page.) Time of sale from four to eight. Catalougues to be had at the shop of A. Kincaid and J. Bell
A. Kincaid and J. Bell (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Edinburgh : [s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCLXVIII. [1768]
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
[A] catalogue of a very neat and valubale collection of books, in Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and English, many of them are bound in Turkey leather, and other elegant bindings. Amongst which are the following, folio. Dicticnnaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Paris diction de commerce, 3 tom. 1741 Viturve, par Perrault - - 1684 Sir T. Roe's Negotiations, in Turkey leather Tanner's notitia, in Turkey leather Sir H. Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol in Turkey leather Petty's maps of Ireland plans of all the cities, forts, &c. of Canadia, finely drawn T. Livius ap. Aldun, corin Turcico Ju. Pollux, ch. max. corio Turcico Horseman's converyancing, 3 vol Hale's pleas of the crown, 2 vol. voffii opera omn. 6 10m. Milton, 2 vol. Lock, 3 v. &c. works Quarto. Don Quixote, in Spaish, 4 vo. with sine cuts - - Lond. ^DAelian de natura animal. 2 tom, chria Turcio de moivie of chances, lst fait. Transactions abridg'd, 8 vol. Historie de France par Daniel, 10 tom. - - - - Paris Barman's Quintillian, 2 tom. Histoire des Finances, 3 tom. Dictionnaire de Richelert, 2 tom. 1732 Jugements de seavans, p ar bailler, s tom. grand pap.. Voyage de Tournesort, 2 tom. Par. Histure de Turneue, 2 tom. Par. With may more in Flio, Quarto, and Octavo, equally good, which will be sold (very cheap) the prices printed in the catalogue, on Monday the 6th of June, 1748, and continue daily till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, bookseller, in Old Round Court, in the Strand, against york-buildings. Catalogues to be liad cratis at the following booksellers, viz. Mr. Strahan's Cornhill; Mr. Osborne's, Pater noster-Row; Mr. Lewis's, in Russet street, Covint Garden; Mr. Brindly's in New-Bond-street; Mr. Jackson's, in St. James's street; Mr. Orven's, next the Devil Tavern, Fleet-street; and at the place of sale: where may be had the full value for any library or parcel of books
Payne, Thomas, 1719-1799
[London : s.n., 1748]
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
A catalogue of the libraries of the Hon. Lieutenant General Guise, of George Street, Hanover Square, Joseph Grove, Esq; of Richmond, and part of the library of the Revd. Charles Morgan, prebendary of Durham, all lately deceased Also a very capital collection of books of prints, and all the valuable foreign authors just imported, and elegantly bound in the most curious London and Paris bindings; the whole making a very curious collection of many thousand volumes (many of them very sarce) in every branch of learning, and in all languages. Amongst which are, folio. Smith's metzotintos, 3 vol. russia museum florentinum, ch. max. IIV. Estampes, par crozat, 2 tom. gr. pap. Galleria Justiniana, 2 tom. ch. max. Marsigli description de danube, 10t. Speculum naturale vincentii beluecen. Cabinet de boyer d' angu lles, belles atlas, par de l'isle, gr.pap. - par Robert, gr. pap. Baronagium genealogium Angl. 2t. Desseins du Raimond le Fage, gr.pap. Gallerie iu lexembourg, par rubens Major's curious collection of prints Inigo Jones, by kent, 2 vol. Cæsaris comment. a Clarke, 2 vol. Guichardini historia, 2 tom. russia Defgodetz Edisices de Rome Italia magini, chart. depict. mar. cellarii atlas, ch. max, depict. Temple des muses Holingshed's chronicle, 2 vol. Reliqua urbis romæ overbeke, 3v. Restes de pan. Rome, gr. pap.russia Restes de Strasbourg, gr. pap.moroq. Ruins of palmyra - of balbec - of dioclesian's palace ruins de la Grece, par le roy heads of illustrious persons, Russia Camphell's viturvius, 3 vol. l. p. Picart's ovid, 2 vol. l. p. elegant Medailles de Louis XIV. Russia Plinius, harduini 3 tom. cb. max. Testamentum gt. ch. max. typ. reg; Aristophanis, kusteri. Diodorus siculus, wesselingii, 2 tons. Thucydides, dukeri piato, facini homerus gr. cb. max. 4 tom. glasg. Thesaurus brandenburgicus, 3 tom. Goltzii opera numismat. 5 vol. Testament. Græcum steph. max. Dictionaties, Eng. Lat. Gr. Fr. &c. Seldeni opera, 6 tom. ch. max. eleg. Rapin and continuation, 5 vol. Grævii thesaurus, 12 tom. Poeti græci, 3 tom. Norden's travels, 2 vol. l. p. Virgilii frag & pictur. a bartholo cay's statutes, 6 vol. Religious ceremonies, 6 vol. Harris's voyages, by Campbell, 2 vol. Petiver's natural history, 3 vol. philof. transactions at large, 53 vol. His. de l'acad. des sciences, 63 vol. Which wll begin to be sold very reasonable, (for ready money only) the lowest price printed in the catalogue, on Monday, December 2, 1765, and continue daily on sale, by James Robson, bookseller to Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, in New Bond Street. Who gives the utmost value for any library of parcel of books. Catalogues (Price Six-pence) to be had at the place for sale; Mr. Walter's Charing Cross; Mr. Millar's, in the Strand; Mr. Cater's, in Holborn; Mr. Owen's, Fleet-street; and Mr. Richardson and Co., at the Royal Exchange: also of the booksellers at Oxford, Cambridge, York, at the great towns in England
Robson, James, 1733-1806
[London : s.n., 1765]
Yale Internet Resource >> None
Books / Online
LSF--Archival Film Collection (Non-Circulating) >> 000543-1
Video & Film
Karachi, Project Development Bureau.
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) >> Nc96 I495 +In2
Journals & Newspapers
London, S.O. Beeton.
BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) >> Bryher Z9 +B716
BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) >> Bryher Z9 +B716
Journals & Newspapers
Hamden, Conn. [etc.] Connecticut Library Association.
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) >> X229 C77E
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) >> X229 +C77E
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) >> X229 C77E v.11
Journals & Newspapers
San Francisco : State Bar of California, 1926-1981.
LSF - Request for delivery to any Yale Library >> BA C123 1
Journals & Newspapers
New York : The Genealogical Association, 1905-13.
Unavailable - use request form to try BorrowDirect or ILL >> Bc9 650
Library Shelving Facility (LSF) (In building use only) >> Bc9 0753