"Prowess is a database of the financial performance of companies. Annual Reports of companies, stock exchanges and regulators are the principal sources of the data. Prowessdx is a delivery of the Prowess database that is specially designed for academia. Prowessdx facilitates easy downloading of the data in simple text format. The database covers the profit and loss statement, balance sheet and ratios based on these. In the case of listed companies it includes cash flow statement, quarterly financial statements, share prices, corporate action and daily total returns. Financial statements based on consolidated and standalone basis are available. Prowessdx delivers data for about 35,000 Indian companies. This includes listed companies, unlisted public companies and private companies of all sizes and ownership groups. It contains time-series data since 1990. Prowessdx also includes data for 800 Singapore companies. These are companies that are listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. For these companies, accounting and market data are available for six years and three years, respectively."
Variant and related titles
Prowess dx
Prowess data extraction
Also known as: Prowess database
Also known as: CMIE's prowessdx service
Also known as: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy's prowessdx service
At head of title: Prowess data eXtraction interface for academia