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Evolution challenges : integrating research and practice in teaching and learning about evolution

Evolution challenges : integrating research and practice in teaching and learning about evolution / edited by Karl S. Rosengren ... [et al.].
9780199730421 (acid-free paper)
0199730423 (acid-free paper)
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
Physical Description
xxi, 464 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Added to Catalog
August 28, 2012
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Section I: Folk theories, conceptual and perceptual constraints. "Two-thousand years of stasis": how psychological essentialism impedes evolutionary understanding / Susan A. Gelman and Marjorie Rhodes
Trees, fish, and other fictions: folk biological thought and its implications for understanding evolutionary biology / John D. Coley and Tara M. Muratore
Cognitive constraints on the understanding and acceptance of evolution / Andrew Shtulman and Prassede Calabi
Teleological minds: how natural intuitions about agency and purpose influence learning about evolution / Deborah Kelemen
The promise and challenges of introducing tree thinking into evolution education / Kefyn M. Catley, Laura R. Novick, and Daniel J. Funk
Narrative spaces in the representation and understanding of evolution / Camillia Matuk and David Uttal
Misunderstanding emergent causal mechanism in natural selection / Michelene T. H. Chi, Agnieszka Kosminska Kristensen, and Rod D. Roscoe
Encountering counterintuitive ideas: constructing a developmental learning progression for evolution understanding / E. Margaret Evans, Karl S. Rosengren, Jonathan D. Lane, and Kristin L. S. Price
Commentary on section I: constrained learning: reframing the problem of evolution understanding and implications for science education / Karl S. Rosengren and E. Margaret Evans
Section IIA: Epistemological issues. Model-based instruction: fostering change in evolutionary conceptions and in epistemic practices / Clark A. Chinn and Luke A. Buckland
Why don't Americans accept evolution as much as people in peer nations do? A theory (reinforced theistic manifest destiny) and some pertinent evidence / Michael Andrew Ranney
Heuristics and the counterintuitive in science and religion / Ryan D. Tweney
Section IIB: Implementing education in evolution: formal education. Challenges and opportunities for teaching and designing effective K-12 evolution curricula / Paul M. Beardsley, Mark V. Bloom, and Sarah B. Wise
Why don't undergraduates really "get" evolution? What can faculty do? / Craig E. Nelson
An intentional approach to teaching evolution: making students aware of the factors influencing learning of microevolution and macroevolution / Sherry A. Southerland and Louis S. Nadelson
Section IIC: Implementing education in evolution: informal education. Pattern and process: natural history museum exhibits on evolution / Judy Diamond and Patrick Kociolek
Walking whales and singing flies: an evolution exhibit and assessment of its impact / Judy Diamond, E. Margaret Evans, and Amy N. Spiegel
Making connections: evolution and the nature and process of science / Anna Thanukos and Judy Scotchmoor
Commentary on Section II: bringing multiple levels of analysis to bear on evolution teaching and learning / Sarah K. Brem and Gale M. Sinatra.
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