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The startup owner's manual. Vol. 1 : the step-by-step guide for building a great company

The startup owner's manual. Vol. 1 : the step-by-step guide for building a great company / Steve Blank and Bob Dorf.
Pescadero, Calif. : K&S Ranch, Inc., 2012.
Physical Description
xxix, 571 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Variant and related titles
Start up owner's manual
Step-by-step guide for building a great company
Added to Catalog
September 26, 2012
Introduction : A repeatable path ; Why a second decade? ; The four steps: a new path
Getting started : The path to disaster: a startup is not a small version of a big company
The path to the epiphany: the customer development model
The customer development manifesto
Step one: Customer discovery : An introduction to customer discovery
Customer discovery, phase one: State your business model hypotheses
Customer discovery, phase two: "Get out of the building" to test the problem: "Do people care?"
Customer discovery, phase three: "Get out of the building" and test the product solution
Customer discovery, phase four: Verify the business model and pivot or proceed
Step two: Customer validation : Introduction to costumer validation
Customer validation, phase one: "Get ready to sell"
Customer validation, phase two: "Get out of the building and sell!"
Customer validation, phase three: Develop product and company positioning
Customer validation, phase four: The toughest question of all: pivot or proceed?
The startup owner's manual "site" map
Appendix A. Customer development checklists
Appendix B. Glossary
Appendix C. How to build a web startup: a simple overview.
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