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Music theater as global culture : Wagner's legacy today

Music theater as global culture : Wagner's legacy today / herausagegeben von Anno Mungen, Nicholas Vazsonyi, Julie Hubbert, Ivana Rentsch, Arne Stollberg ; unter Mitarbeit von Bernd Hobe.
Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, [2017]
Physical Description
460 pages : illustrations (partly color) ; 24 cm.
Selected contributions from 2 conferences held in Columbia, South Carolina and in Bayreuth, Thurnau and Nuremberg as part of WagnerWorldWide 2013, an international celebration of the 200th anniversary of Wagner's birth.
18 English, 2 German contributions.
Variant and related titles
Wagner World Wide
English; German
Added to Catalog
September 27, 2017
Thurnauer Schriften zum Musiktheater ; Bd. 25.
Thurnauer Schriften zum Musiktheater ; Band 25
Includes bibliographical references and index.
WagnerWorldWide: interdisciplinary and international approaches / Anno Mungen
1. History and nationalism: Introduction / Nicholas Vazsonyi
Wagner's Parsifal as art and ideology, 1882-1933 / William Kinderman
Bayreuth and the German war effort: Karl Ritter's Stukas / Hans Rudolf Vaget
Twilight of an empire: staging Wagner in wartime Tokyo / Brooke McCorkle
Opera and politics: Die Meistersinger in New York City during World War II / Gwen d'Amico
2. Globalization and markets: Einleitung / Ivana Rentsch
Wagner goes east (and back again...): operatic performance between Europe and China / Barbara Mittler
Die Kulturikone Richard Wagner als Testimonial der Marke Bayreuth - eine Marketingperspektive / Claas Christian Germelsmann und Pablo Neder
Wagnerians then and now / Elfi Vomberg
Globalization and the domestic reception of Wagnerian music drama / Matthew Blackmar
3. Nature and environment: Einleitung / Arne Stollberg
Wagner's Ring as eco-parable / Thomas Grey
Luigi Nono's analytical remarks on Tristan und Isolde and the manifestation of nature in Wagner's music / Joachim Junker
Performing Wagner: Francesca Zambello's San Francisco Ring cycle as an example of performative translation - from Bayreuth to the American West / Geoffrey Green
4. Gender and sexuality: Einleitung / Anno Mungen
Wagner unmanned / Sanna Pederson
Is it a man's world? The construction of masculinities in Wagner / Gregor Herzfeld
Women's Wagner: reflections on a scattered reception / Celia Applegate
Oper, Erotik, Körper: wie Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient Wagners Venus wurde / Anno Mungen
5. Film and media: Introduction / Julie Hubbert
"What's Wagner, Doc?": Nineteenth-century German opera and contemporary American popular culture / Walter C. Metz
Staging a debate: from Kriegenburg's Ring cycle to Saar Magal's Hacking Wagner / Olaf A. Schmitt
Wagner and Fortuny: designs for the Bayreuth Theater / Wendy Ligon Smith
Loathsome Deutschtum? Wagner, propaganda and American industrial films of the 1930s and 1940s / Julie Hubbert
Wagner's form, Chéreau's scene, Large's cuts: analytical dialogues between music, theater, and video / Christian Thorau.

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