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Cataloguing the world's endangered languages

Cataloguing the world's endangered languages / edited by Lyle Campbell and Anna Belew.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.
Copyright Notice Date
Physical Description
viii, 308 pages ; 26 cm
Collected research based on information from the Catalogue of endangered languages, available via the Endangered Languages Project website.
Cataloguing the World's Endangered Languages brings together the results of the extensive and influential Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat) project. Based on the findings from the most extensive endangered languages research project, this is the most comprehensive source of accurate information on endangered languages. The book presents the academic and scientific findings that underpin the online Catalogue, located at, making it an essential companion to the website for academics and researchers working in this area. While the online Catalogue displays much data from the ELCat project, this volume develops and emphasizes aspects of the research behind the data and includes topics of great interest in the field, not previously covered in a single volume. Cataloguing the World's Endangered Languages is an important volume of particular interest to academics and researchers working with endangered languages.
Added to Catalog
March 22, 2018
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: why catalogue endangered languages? / Lyle Campbell and Anna Belew
Naming conventions and challenges / Yen-Ling Chen and Lyle Campbell
Language classifications and cataloguing endangered languages / Russell Barlow and Lyle Campbell
Language extinction then and now / Anna Belew and Sean Simpson
The language endangerment index / Nala H. Lee and John R. Van Way
New knowledge produced by the catalogue of endangered languages / Lyle Campbell and Eve Okura
The world's endangered languages and their status / Anna Belew, Yen-Ling Chen, Lyle Campbell, Russell Barlow, Bryn Hauk, Raina Heaton, and Stephanie Walla
How the catalogue of endangered languages serves communities whose languages are at risk / Raina Heaton and Sean Simpson
Triage: setting priorities for endangered language research / Bryn Hauk and Raina Heaton.

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