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Sharḥ al-Burdah : manuscript

Shīrāzī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, active 1407.
شيرازي، أحمد بن محمد، ناشط 1407.
Sharḥ al-Burdah : manuscript / Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Shīrāzī.
شرح البردة : مخطوطة / أحمد بن محمد الشيرازي.
Place not identified, 1605.
Physical Description
1 volume (58 leaves) ; 21 cm
Title supplied by cataloger.
Romanization supplied by cataloger.
Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu lillāh Rabb al-ʻĀlamīn, wa-al-ṣalāh wa-al-salām ʻalá Muḥammad al-Muṣṭafá, wa-ʻalá ālihi al-mujtabīn, ruḍwān Allāh taʻālá ʻalayhim ajmaʻīn. Ammā baʻd, fa-yaqūlu adhall ʻibād Allāh Fakhr al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr, ghafara Allāh la-hum: Lammā kānat al-qaṣīdah al-mawsūmah bi-al-Kawākib al-durrīyah, al-musammāt [al-musammāh] bi-al-Burdah al-Nabawīyah, al-mansūbah ilá al-Imām, al-ʻālim al-ʻallāmah, Sharaf al-Millah wa-al-Dīn, Abī ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd al-Dulāṣī al-Būṣīrī, rawwaḥa Allāh rūḥahu wa-nawwara ḍarīḥahu wa-wassaʻa marqadahu, mushtamilah ʻalá fawāʼid sharīfah wa-nikāh [wa-nikāt] laṭīfah lam yattafiq la-hā sharḥ yudhallilu ṣiʻābahā wa-yukhriju min qishrihā lubābahā, thumma iltamasa minnī zumrah min al-khillān wa-ṭāʼifah min khullaṣ al-ikhwān an aktuba la-hā sharḥan yanḥallu bi-hā alfāẓuhā wa-maʻānīhā, wa-tankashifu bi-hā ʻibārātuhā wa-maqāṣiduhā, wa-kuntu ataʻallalu bi-laʻalla wa-ʻasá wa-sawfa, wa-rubbamā li-qillat biḍāʻatī, ḥattá tawassalū bi-mā lā yasaʻunī mukhālafatuhu, fa-ajabtuhā [fa-ajabtuhum], sāʼilan mutaḍarriʻan an yanfaʻa bi-hi, wa-Allāh al-muwaffiq wa-al-muʻīn ..."
البداية: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلوة والسلام على محمد المصطفى، وعلى آله المجتبين، رضوان الله تعالى عليهم أجمعين. أما بعد، فيقول أذل عباد الله فخر الدين أحمد بن محمد بن أبي بكر، غفر الله لهم: لما كانت القصيدة الموسومة بالكواكب الدرية، المسمات [المسماة] بالبردة النبوية، المنسوبة إلى الإمام، العالم العلامة، شرف الملة والدين، أبي عبد الله محمد بن سعيد الدلاصي البوصيري، روّح الله روحه ونوّر ضريحه ووسّع مرقده، مشتملة على فوائد شريفة ونكاة [ونكات] لطيفة لم يتفق لها شرح يذلل صعابها ويخرج من قشرها لبابها، ثم التمس مني زمرة من الخلان وطائفة من خلص الإخوان أن اكتب لها شرحًا ينحل بها ألفاظها ومعانيها، وتنكشف بها عباراتها ومقاصدها، وكنت أتعلل بلعل وعسى وسوف، وربما لقلة بضاعتي، حتى توسلوا بما لا يسعني مخالفته، فأجبتها [فاجبتهم]، سائلًا متضرعًا أن ينفع به، والله الموفق والمعين ..."
Secundo folio: laylat al-Jumʻah khāliyan fī manzilī.
بداية الورقة الثانية: ليلة الجمعة خاليًا في منزلي.
15 x 20.5 cm; written surface: 11.5 x 16 cm; 13-17 lines per page.
Binding: In cardboard binding.
In good naskh/ruqʻah script, in black ink, on white paper; headings and markings in red; some explanations in Persian within the text (probably by a copyist); catchwords.
On folio 1a: "Sharḥ-i Qaṣīdah-i Burdah."
على وجه الورقة 1: "شرح قصىده برده."
On folio 1a: Two ownership statements with two illegible stamps: 1. "Dakhala fī tamlīk mulk al-faqīr al-ḥaqīr al-muḥtāj ilá raḥmat Rabbihi al-qadīr Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, al-kātib bi-Bāsh Muḥāsabah." 2. "Istalama min khayr mustalim al-ʻabd al-faqīr Muḥammad ibn al-Mawlá [... ... ...], ghafara Allāh la-hu."
على وجه الورقة 1: قيدا تملك وخاتمان غير مقروءين: 1. "دخل في تمليك ملك الفقير الحقير المحتاج إلى رحمة ربه القدير محمد بن أحمد، الكاتب بباش محاسبة." 2. "استلم من خير مستلم العبد الفقير محمد بن المولى [... ... ...]، غفر الله له."
Colophon: "Tamma. Wa-Allāh aʻlam bi-al-ṣawāb, wa-ilayhi al-marjiʻ wa-al-maʼāb. Qiṭʻah: Mā in madaḥtu Muḥammadan bi-maqālatī // lākin madaḥtu maqālatī bi-Muḥammadi. Hadānā ilá al-Raḥmāni min ẓulmati al-hawá // fa-lawlāhu mā kunnā ilá al-ḥaqqi yahtadī [nahtadī]. Wa-idhā al-rijālu tawassalū bi-wasīlatin // fa-wasīlatī khayru āli Muḥammadi. ʻAlayhi al-ṣalāh wa-al-salām. Qad intahá hādhihi al-risālah fī 22 Rabīʻ al-Ākhir, sanat arbaʻ wa-ʻishrīn wa-alf. sanat 1014 [1024]."
الخاتمة: "تم. والله أعلم بالصواب، وإليه المرجع والمآب. قطعه: ما إن مدحت محمدًا بمقالتي // لكن مدحت مقالتي بمحمد. هدانا إلى الرحمن من ظلمة الهوى // فلولاه ما كنا إلى الحق يهتدي [نهتدي]. وإذا الرجال توسلوا بوسيلةٍ // فوسيلتي خير آل محمد. عليه الصلوة والسلام. قد انتهى هذه الرسالة في 22 ربيع الآخر، سنة أربع وعشرين وألف. سنة 1014 [1024]."
Translation of the colophon: "It is completed. God is more knowledgeable of what is correct, to Him is the reference and returning. A poem: I did not praise Muḥammad by my discourse // rather, I praised my discourse by Muḥammad. He guided us to the Merciful One from the darkness of desire // were it not for him we would not have been guided to the truth. If men were to seek an aid // my aid will be the righteous Muḥammad's family. May prayer and peace be upon Him. This epistle was completed on 22 Rabīʻ al-Ākhir, the year 1024 [of the Hijrah = 6 September, 1605]."
In Arabic.
Forms part of the Hartford Seminary Collection. For a description of the collection, search by call number: Hartford Seminary.
Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005.
"Sharḥ al-Burdah", a commentary by Fakhr al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr al-Shīrāzī (active 1407), a little known author, on "al-Burdah" (the Mantle), or, "Qaṣidat al-Burdah" (Poem of the Mantle), also called "al-Kawākib al-durrīyah fī madḥ Khayr al-Barīyah" (Brilliant stars in praise of the Best of Mankind), of Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd al-Dulāṣī al-Būṣīrī (1213?-1296?), a well-known Egyptian poet of Maghribī origin, born in Bahshīm (Egypt) in the region of Bahnasāwīyah, and died in Alexandria (Egypt); a panegyrical poem in praise of the Prophet Muḥammad, who is said to have been praised ceaselessly by the afflicted poet, to the point that the Prophet appeared in a dream and wrapped him in a 'mantle' or 'cloak', hence the title of the poem. al-Burdah is a very much recited and memorized poem in the Muslim world, and was commented upon by many prominent authors. The present manuscript was copied on 22 Rabīʻ al-Ākhir, 1024 of the Hijrah (6 September, 1605). Name of copyist and place of copying not mentioned.
Variant and related titles
al-Kawākib al-durrīyah fī madḥ Khayr al-Barīyah.
الكواكب الدرية في مدح خير البرية.
Archives or Manuscripts
Added to Catalog
September 27, 2019
Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Shīrāzī, Sharḥ al-Burdah. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Cite as
Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Shīrāzī, Sharḥ al-Burdah. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Subjects (Local Yale)
Manuscripts, Arabic - 17th century.

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