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A briefe discourse of the troubles begun at Frankeford in Germany, an. Dom. 1554. about the Booke of common prayer and ceremonies, and continued by the English men there, to the end of Q. Maries raign; in the which discourse, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginning of all the contention that hath been there, and what was the cause of the same. First published in the yeare 1575. and now reprinted according to the originall copy, verbatim. Humbly presented to the view and consideration of the most honourable and High Court of Parliament; and the reverend divines of the intended ensuing assembly

A briefe discourse of the troubles begun at Frankeford in Germany, an. Dom. 1554. about the Booke of common prayer and ceremonies, and continued by the English men there, to the end of Q. Maries raign; [electronic resource] : in the which discourse, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginning of all the contention that hath been there, and what was the cause of the same. First published in the yeare 1575. and now reprinted according to the originall copy, verbatim. Humbly presented to the view and consideration of the most honourable and High Court of Parliament; and the reverend divines of the intended ensuing assembly.
London : Printed by G. Bishop, and R. White, for Tho: Underhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreete, 1642.
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[8], 184 p.
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Anonymously published by William Whittingham.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Thomason Tracts ; 25:E142[2])
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Early English books online.
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July 20, 2020
Wing, D.G. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 (2nd ed.), W2045.
British Museum. Catalogue of the pamphlets, books, newspapers, and manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration, collected by George Thomason, 1640-1661, E.142[2].

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