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Miscellaneous anecdotes and quotations in Arabic prose and poetry : manuscript

Miscellaneous anecdotes and quotations in Arabic prose and poetry : manuscript.
Place not identified, 18th century.
Physical Description
1 volume (14 leaves) ; 17 cm
Title supplied by cataloger.
Romanization supplied by cataloger.
Incipit: The beginning is missing. Starts with: "... Wa-min dhālika mā ḥakāhu ṣāḥib 'al-Mustaṭraf fī kull fann mustaẓraf' ʻan Kaʻb al-Aḥbār, 'Mālik', wa-huwa min alladhīn intahá ilayhim al-jūd fī al-Jāhilīyah, yurwá ʻanhu annahu jāda bi-nafsihi, wa-āthara rafīqahu bi-al-māʼ al-bārid fī al-mafāzah wa-māt ʻaṭashan ..."
البداية مفقودة. يبدأ النص بـِ: "... ومن ذلك ما حكاه صاحب 'المستطرف في كل فن مستظرف' عن كعب الأحبار، 'مالك'، وهو من الذين انتهى إليهم الجود في الجاهلية، يروى عنه أنّه جاد بنفسه، وآثر رفيقه بالماء البارد في المفازة ومات عطشًا ..."
The "urjūzah" of al-Suyūṭī starts with: "al-Ḥamdu lillāh ʻalá al-Islām // wa-al-shukru lillāhi ʻalá al-inʻāmi ... Wa-hādhihi urjūzatun mufīdah // ḍammantuhā fawāʼida ʻadīdah. Fī fitnati al-maqbūri ḥīna yusʼalu // wa-mā atá bi-hi al-Nabīyu al-Mursalu ..." It ends (folio 8a) with: "... Hādhā tamāmu mā aradtu naẓmahu // fa-al-ḥamdu lillāhi alladhī atammahu. Naẓamtuhu lil-muʼminīna tabṣirah // arjū bi-hi al-tathbīta ʻinda al-thartharah. Fī miʼatayni qad ghadat sarīyah // abyātuhu ka-al-anjumi al-durrīyah. Wa-aḥmadu Allāha ʻalá mā yulhimu // thumma ʻalá Nabīyihi usallimu."
تبدأ "أرجوزة" السيوطي بـِ: "الحمد لله على الإسلام // والشكر لله على الإنعام ... وهذه أرجوزةٌ مفيدة // ضمّنتها فوائد عديدة. في فتنة المقبور حين يسأل // وما أتى به النبي المرسل ..." وتنتهي (الورقة 8أ) بـِ: "... هذا تمام ما أردت نظمه // فالحمد لله الذي أتمّه. نظمته للمؤمنين تبصرة // أرجوا به التثبيت عند الثرثرة. في مائتين قد غدت سرية // أبياته كالأنجم الدرّيّة. وأحمد الله على ما يلهم // ثم على نبيّه أسلّم."
Secundo folio of the "urjūzah" of al-Suyūṭī: Alā tará Jibrīla ḥīna anzalah // bi-al-waḥyi takalluman ka-mithli al-ṣalṣalah.
بداية الورقة الثانية "لأرجوزه" السيوطي: ألا ترى جبريل حين أنزله // بالوحي تكلّمًا كمثل الصلصله.
12 x 17 cm; written surface: 8 x 13 cm; 17 lines per page.
Binding: Unbound (in two quires).
In fair naskh script, in black ink, on laid thick cream color paper; headings and markings in red; catchwords; some leaves seem to be missing between folios 10 and 11.
Colophon: No colophon. The anecdotes end abruptly with: "... Wa-qāla baʻḍuhu: ʻAsharah tūrithu ʻasharah. al-Nadāmah tūrithu al-tawbah, wa-ruʼyat al-minnah tūrithu al-fikr, wa-al-istiʼnās bi-al-nās yūrithu al-tawakkul, wa-al-ʻuzlah tūrithu al-salāmah, wa-kaẓm al-ghayẓ yūrithu riyādat al-ʻaql, wa-ḥubbu al-riʼāsah tūrithu al-halakah ..."
الخاتمة: لا يوجد خاتمة. ينتهي النص فجأةً بـِ: "... وقال بعضه: عشرة تورث عشرة. الندامة تورث التوبة، ورؤية المنّة تورث الفكر، والاستئناس بالناس يورث التوكّل، والعزلة تورث السلامة، وكظم الغيظ يورث ريادة العقل، وحب الرئاسة تورث الهلكة ..."
In Arabic.
Forms part of the Hartford Seminary Collection. For a description of the collection, search by call number: Hartford Seminary.
Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005.
Access and use
This material is open for research.
The present manuscript seems to have been a part of a collection of miscellaneous anecdotes and quotations, in poetry and prose. The beginning and end are missing. It starts on folio 1a with part of an anecdote about a certain pre-Islamic altruist called "Mālik", extracted from "al-Mustaṭraf fī kull fann mustaẓraf" of al-Ibshīhī (Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1388-approximately 1446), followed by "al-Tathbīt ʻinda al-tabyīt" (folios 1b-8a), an "urjūzah", also called "Manẓūmat al-qubūr", a treatise in verse on death and burial, the intermediate state, the condition of the dead in their graves, and the questioning which is administered to them by the two angels "Munkir and Nakīr" after burial, by al-Suyūṭī (Jalāl al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Abī Bakr, 1445-1505), a well-known and prolific scholar of the late Mamelukes era (1250-1517), from Cairo (Egypt). The manuscript ends with more anecdotes and quotations, in poetry and prose, from different authors: Ibn al-Jawzī, Ibn ʻAsākir, al-Suyūṭi, ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, al-Mutanabbī, etc. Name of copyist and place and date of copying not mentioned, probably from the 18th century.
Variant and related titles
Manẓūmat al-qubūr.
منظومة القبور.
Mustaṭraf fī kull fann mustaẓraf.
مستطرف في كل فن مستظرف.
Tathbīt ʻinda al-tabyīt.
تثبيت عند التبييت.
Archives or Manuscripts
Added to Catalog
June 03, 2022
Miscellaneous anecdotes and quotations in Arabic prose and poetry. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Cite as
Miscellaneous anecdotes and quotations in Arabic prose and poetry. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Subjects (Local Yale)
Manuscripts, Arabic - 18th century.

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