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Fragment of an unidentified treatise in verse on Arabic grammar : manuscript

Fragment of an unidentified treatise in verse on Arabic grammar : manuscript.
Aswān (Egypt), 1777.
Physical Description
1 volume (6 leaves) ; 24 cm
Title from reference sources.
Romanization supplied by cataloger.
Incipit: The beginning is missing. Text starts with: "... Aqsāmuhu arbaʻatun li-ākhirn // rafʻun wa-naṣbun thumma khafḍu jazm. Rafʻun wa-naṣbun yadkhulāni al-asmā // wa-al-khafḍ fīhā wa-abʻidan al-jazmā. Wa-kulluhā lil-fiʻli ghayr al-khafḍi // unẓur li-taqsīmin bi-wajhin marḍī ..."
البداية مفقودة. يبدأ النص كما يلي: "... أقسامه أربعةٍ لآخرٍ // رفعٌ ونصبٍ ثم خفض جزم. رفعٌ ونصبٌ يدخلان الأسما // والخفض فيها وأبعدن الجزما. وكلّها للفعل غير الخفض // انظر لتقسيم بوجهٍ مرضي ..."
Secundu folio: Wa-thālithu al-afʻāl fa-huwa al-wāqiʻu // mushābihn li-afʻālinā muḍāriʻu.
بداية الورقة الثانية: وثالث الأفعال فهو الواقع // مشابهًا لأفعالنا مضارع.
16.5 x 23.5 cm; written surface: 16 x 17 cm; 23 lines per page.
Binding: Unbound (in one quire).
Script: In large fair naskh script, in black ink, on thick cream color paper; headings and markings in red; catchwords.
The treatise ends with: "... Wa-al-ḥamdu lillāhi ʻalá al-tafḍīli // takarruman qad mann bi-al-takmīli. Thumma al-ṣalātu dāʼiman wa-sarmadā // ʻalá Nabīyin rāḥahu mani ihtadá. Wa-ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi ulī al-rutab // man yatbaʻ irshādahum fa-qad najab."
تنتهي المنظومة كما يلي: "... والحمد لله على التفضيل // تكرّمًا قد مَنَّ بالتكميل. ثمّ الصلاة دائمًا وسرمدا // على نبيٍّ راحه من اهتدى. وآله وصحبه أولي الرتب // من يتّبع إرشادهم فقد نجب."
Colophon: "Wa-qad tammat al-manẓūmah bi-ḥamd Allāh wa-ʻawnih wa-ḥusn tawfīqih. Wa-al-ḥamdu lillāh taʻālá waḥdahu. Wa-Allāh taʻālá aʻlam. Tammat yawm al-Aḥad al-mubārak, 3 fī shahr Shaʻbān al-muʻaẓẓam, min shuhūr sanat 1191, bi-madīnat Aswān, bi-al-Ṣaʻīd al-Aʻlá. Ghafara Allāh li-kātibihā wa-qārīhā. Milk al-faqīr [the name is erased], ʻafá Allāh ʻanhu, wa-ghafara la-hu dhunūbahu, wa-satara fī al-dārayn ʻuyūbahu, wa-al-Muslimīn ajmaʻīn. Āmīn."
الخاتمة: "وقد تمت المنظومة بحمد الله وعونه وحسن توفيقه. والحمد لله تعالى وحده. والله تعالى أعلم. تمت يوم الأحد المبارك، 3 في شهر شعبان المعظّم، من شهور سنة 1191، بمدينة أسوان، بالصعيد الأعلى. غفر الله لكاتبها وقاريها. ملك الفقير [الأسم ممحى]، عفى الله عنه، وغفر له ذنوبه، وستر في الدارين عيوبه، والمسلمين أجمعين. آمين."
Translation of the colophon: " "The 'Manẓūmah' (treatise in verse) was completed with the praise of God, His help, and His Abundant benevolence. Praise be to God Almighty alone. God Almighty knows best. It was completed on blessed Sunday, the 3rd of the glorious month of Shaʻbān, of the year 1191 [6 September 1777], in the city of Aswān, in Upper Egypt. May God forgive its writer and reader. Owned by the poor [Name erased], may God pardon him, forgive his sins, and cover his faults in both worlds, and all Muslims. Amen."
In Arabic.
Forms part of the Hartford Seminary Collection. For a description of the collection, search by call number: Hartford Seminary.
Purchased from Hartford Seminary on the Beinecke Rare Book & Capital Reserve Fund, 2005.
Access and use
This material is open for research.
Fragment of an unidentified treatise in verse on Arabic grammar. Copied/authored (?) on Sunday, 3 Shaʻbān of the year 1191 of the Hijrah (6 September 1777) in Aswān (Egypt).
Archives or Manuscripts
Added to Catalog
December 15, 2023
Fragment of an unidentified treatise in verse on Arabic grammar. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Cite as
Fragment of an unidentified treatise in verse on Arabic grammar. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Subjects (Local Yale)
Manuscripts, Arabic - 18th century.

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