Why whales, why now? / Philippa Brakes
Impressions : whales and human relationships in myth, tradition and law / Stuart Harrop
Whales of the Pacific / Viliamu Iese and Cara Miller
The journey towards whale conservation in Latin America / Miguel Iñíguez
Whales and the USA / Naomi A. Rose [and others]
Whales in the balance : to touch or to kill? A view of Caribbean attitudes towards whales / Nathalie Ward
The British and the whales / Mark Peter Simmonds
Whales in Norway / Siri Martinsen
Of whales, whaling and whale watching in Japan : a conversation / Jun Morikawa and Erich Hoyt
A contemporary view of the International Whaling Commission / Richard Cowan
The nature of whales and dolphins / Liz Slooten
Brain structure and intelligence in cetaceans / Lori Marino
Communication / Paul Spong
Lessons from dolphins / Toni Frohoff
Highly interactive behaviour of inquisitive dwarf minke whales / Alastair Birtles and Arnold Mangott
The cultures of whales and dolphins / Hal Whitehead
Whales and dolphins on a rapidly changing planet / Mark Peter Simmonds and Philippa Brakes
From conservation to protection : charting a new conservation ethic for cetaceans / Philippa Brakes and Claire Bass
What is it like to be a dolphin? / Thomas I. White
Thinking whales and dolphins / Philippa Brakes and Mark Peter Simmonds.