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Descriptive list[s] of novels and tales

Descriptive list[s] of novels and tales.
Cambridge, Mass., W : M. Griswold, 1890-92.
Physical Description
10 pt. in 2 v. 22-23 cm.
Paged continuously, with irregularities due to insertion of new matter, sample pages from other lists, etc. A cumulative index of authors, with separate pagination, accompanies most of the lists.
Pt. 1-5 are bound in 1 v. with title: Descriptive lists of American, international, romantic and British novels ... Cambridge, 1891.
Added to Catalog
June 01, 2002
pt. 1. Novels and tales dealing with American country life. 1890.
pt. 2. Novels and tales dealing with American city life. 1891.
pt. 3. International novels. 1891.
pt. 4. Romantic novels. 1890.
pt. 5. British novels. 1891.
pt. 6. Novels and tales dealing with life in France. 1892.
pt. 7. Novels and tales dealing with life in Germany. 1892.
pt. 8. Novels and tales dealing with life in Italy. 1892.
pt. 9. Novels and tales dealing with life in Russia. 1892.
pt. 10. Novels and tales dealing with life in Norway. 1892.

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