Benjamin Franklin: examination by the House of Commons, 1766.
The American crisis, 1776, by T. Paine.
Farewell address, 1796, by G. Washington.
Inaugural address, 1801, by T. Jefferson.
The war message, 1812, by J. Madison.
The Monroe doctrine, 1823, by J. Monroe.
The inaugurals, 1861, 1865, and the Gettysburg address, 1863, by A. Lincoln.
The cross of gold speech, 1896, by W. J. Bryan.
Foreign affairs, 1904, and the Monroe doctrine, 1905, by T. Roosevelt.
Presenting the Treaty of Versailles for ratification, 1919, by W. Wilson.
Principles and ideals of the United States Government, 1928, by H. Hoover.
The philosophy of government, 1932, by F. D. Roosevelt.
Inaugural address, 1961, by J. F. Kennedy.