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Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah

Qāḍīʹzādah, Mūsá ibn Muḥammad, -approximately 1436.
قاضي‌زاده، موسى بن محمد، -حوالي 1436.
Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah / Mūsá ibn Muḥammad Qāḍīʹzādah. -- [1929 or 1939].
شرح الملخص في الهيئة / موسى بن محمد قاضي‌زاده. -- [1929 أو 1939].
Physical Description
116 leaves (in 1 volume) ; 23 x 15 cm.
The colophon gives the dates as A.H. 1258 (A.D. 1929, A.M. 5700) which is evidently an error; if A.M. 5700 is correct, then the corresponding dates should be A.H. 1358 (A.D. 1939).
The colophon of the prototype, given on leaf 116 recto, is dated A.H. 1066 (A.D. 1655 or 1656), hence it could not have been a lithographed edition but a handwritten copy.
Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī jaʻala al-shmasa ḍiyāʼan wa-al-qamara nūran, wa-basaṭa ʻalá basāʼiṭ al-basīṭ ẓillan wa-ḥarūran ..."
البداية: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذي جعل الشمس ضياءً والقمر نورًا، وبسط على بسائط البسيط ظلًا وحرورًا ..."
Fair naskhī, in red and black.
With copious diagrams.
Islamic binding, in red, with flap.
Colophon: "Intahaytu min naql hādhā al-kitāb ʻan ṣūrah khaṭṭīyah bi-Maktabat al-Amīr Fārūq Bū Hāj. Wa-al-nuskhah al-madhkūrah maktūbah bi-khaṭṭ Fārisī, lā yumkinu an yuktaba khaṭṭ abdaʻ minhu, ḥaythu ishtabahnā anā wa-jamīʻ ikhwānī bi-anna hādhihi al-nuskhah al-madhkūrah maṭbūʻah ʻalá al-ḥajar, wa-lākin lā yumkinu dhālik, ḥaythu yūjad sharḥ bayna al-suṭūr bi-al-aḥmar wa-al-aswad, ka-khaṭṭ al-nuskhah ṭibqa al-aṣl. Fī tārīkh yawm al-Ithnayn, 9 Shawwāl, sanat 1258 H, al-muwāfiq 20 Nūfambir sanat 1929 M, 10 Hātūr, sanat 1656 Q, 7 Tishrīn Thānī, sanat 2251 Rūmīyah, 8 Kislū 5700 ʻIbrīyah. Ṭāhā Yūsuf Maḥmūd Muḥammad, min nāḥiyat Durunkah, Asyūṭ."
الخاتمة: "انتهيت من نقل هذا الكتاب عن صورة خطية بمكتبة الأمير فاروق بو هاج. والنسخة المذكورة مكتوبة بخط فارسي، لا يمكن أن يكتب خط أبدع منه، حيث اشتبهنا أنا وجميع إخواني بأن هذه النسخة المذكورة مطبوعة على الحجر، ولكن لا يمكن ذلك، حيث يوجد شرح بين السطور بالأحمر والأسود، كخط النسخة طبق الأصل. في تاريخ يوم الاثنين، 9 شوال، سنة 1258 هـ، الموافق 20 نوفمبر سنة 1929 م، 10 هاتور، سنة 1656 ق، 7 تشرين ثاني، سنة 2251 رومية، 8 كسلو 5700 عبرية. طه يوسف محمود محمد، من ناحية درنكة، أسيوط."
Translation of the colophon: "I finished copying this book from a manuscript housed at the Library of Prince Fārūq Bū Hāj. This copy was written in a Farsī script, the like of which cannot be more admirable, to the extent that I and all my colleagues thought that this copy was a lithograph, but this is impossible, because there are interlinear commentaries in red and black, written exactly with the same script as that of this copy. Dated on Monday, 9 Shawwāl, 1258 of the Hijrah [13 November 1842], corresponding to 20 November, 1929 M, 10 Hātūr 1656 Q [Coptic], 7 November, 2251 of the Greek year, and 8 Kislev, 5700 of the Hebrew year. Ṭāhā Yūsuf Maḥmūd Muḥammad, from the region of Durunkah, Asyūṭ."
Gift of Captain Ü. Tekeş in March 1965.
Commentary on al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah (handbook of astronomy) of Maḥmūd al-Jighmīnī.
Copied, according to the colophon, in Asyūṭ, Egypt in A.H. 1258 (A.D. 1929).
Variant and related titles
Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah.
ملخص في الهيئة.
Archives or Manuscripts
Added to Catalog
June 01, 2002
Brockelmann, I, 473; S I, p. 865.
Hitti, 975.
Ahlwardt, W. Verzeichniss, 5675.
Mūsá ibn Muḥammad Qāḍīʹzādah, Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Cite as
Mūsá ibn Muḥammad Qāḍīʹzādah, Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

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